Pew Survey: Reporters Or Commentators?

By Brian 

Pew respondents were asked:”Tell me if you think these organizations mostly report the facts about recent news developments, or mostly give their opinions about the news.”

Cable news: 45% of respondents said cable news networks mostly report the facts; 29% said they mostly give their opinions about the news. 8% said both, 1% said neither, and 17% didn’t know.

Network evening news: 53% of respondents said evening news programs mostly report the facts; 31% said they mostly give their opinions about the news. 6% said both, 1% said neither, and 9% didn’t know.

Network morning news: 39% of respondents said network morning news shows mostly report the facts; 33% said they mostly give their opinions about the news. 5% said both, 1% said neither, and 22% didn’t know.

Local news: 61% of respondents said the local TV news mostly reports the facts; 25% said they mostly give their opinions about the news. 6% said both, 1% said neither, and 7% didn’t know.
