Olbermann Loves Fox News (Watch)

By Brian 

On MSNBC.com, Countdown anchor Keith Olbermann blogs about “ten television shows worth watching” — and believe it or not, one of them airs on Fox News Channel!

He says #7 is Fox News Watch. He explains: “That’s right, I put a show from Fox News on my list. This is apparently the program Roger Ailes created to fulfill some legal requirement that his network actually be at least .0005% ‘fair and balanced.’ A weekly roundtable on media coverage in which the conservatives (Jim Pinkerton and the woefully-hair dyed Cal Thomas) often burst out in liberalism, and the liberals (Neal Gabler and Jane Hall) often finger-wag conservatively. How host Eric Burns can maintain such a program of actual value on a network devoted to reinforcing prejudices and stereotypes, is testament to his integrity as a journalist. Skip the last segment – the viewer e-mails are apparently all from mental patients.”
