Lee Woodruff: ‘I Can Take or Leave Sex, and Mostly I’d Rather Leave It’

By Alissa Krinsky 

In the October issue of Ladies’ Home Journal, “CBS This Morning” contributor Lee Woodruff gives readers a rather intimate peek into her marriage to ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff.

Titled Let’s Talk About Sex (And Why I’d Rather Just Go To Sleep), her column is blunt: “Okay, I’ll say it. After four kids and 25 years of marriage, it’s not easy to get in the mood for sex.  My husband would disagree.”

She continues:


Somewhere between the midnight feedings and work deadlines, the chasm grew between my husband’s needs and my desire. He once joked that he has the strength of 10,000 men after sex, and it seems to be true. So, like many a wife before me, I am not beneath doing it even when I don’t feel like it just so he’ll use some of that postcoital power to get the household chores done. (Unclogged drain joke, anyone?) There have been times I’ve even faked my own pleasure (oh, please, we’ve all done it) so I can just go to sleep already….

We are road-tested now, grayer, and more wrinkled. Marriages have seasons. And while there’s something sexy about conjuring up the old us, there’s a peace in accepting that we are past the “skyrockets in flight” period.

What do you think of the column? Is it TMI? Feel free to weigh in with comments.
