Gibson To WNT: So Many Questions

By Brian 

> An e-mailer asks: “What happened to all reasons they insisted on having two anchors — i.e. West Coast updates, anchor field travel and the 3 p.m. webcast — all of a sudden one anchor can do?”

> Will ABC continue broadcasting a WNT live “Western Edition” for the West Coast? Will Gibson stay up late to anchor it?

> How often will Gibson anchor on location?

> Does Jon Banner still believe this?: “With the things we want to do with the west coast, the Internet programming, the traveling, I don’t believe one person could do all this.”

> Does David Westin wish he had given Gibson the job back in December?

> “My clear goal is to make sure we have the strategy for the future and not just the past,” Westin said in December. Does this feel like a return to the “past?”

> When did Elizabeth Vargas “choose” to give up her WNT anchor chair?

> Who will replace Charlie on Good Morning America? Who will replace Diane next year?
