FNC’s Harrigan Becomes First Journo To Enter Cellblocks At Guantanamo Bay

By Brian 

The first media organization to be granted access to “occupied, non-compliant cellblocks at Guantanamo Bay” is Fox News. Correspondent Steve Harrigan describes his trip in a long FOXNews.com column: “I was taken into occupied camps where non-compliant detainees were kept. The officers told me I was the first journalist to go inside. The access was due to work by FOX Pentagon correspondent Bret Baier.”

There were several restrictions placed on his access, due to security concerns: “I was not allowed to bring in a camera or to visibly take notes. There was concern that the presence of a reporter could stir up the detainees. If there were any violence I would be escorted out immediately. One officer warned me not to get into any staring contests with the detainees.”
