DNC Announces Democratic Debates; CNN First. None For Fox

By Mark Joyella 

CNN announced Thursday it would host the first 2016 Democratic presidential debate, set for October 13 in Nevada. The exact location and details will be released later, the network said in a statement. A moderator has not yet been chosen. CNN will host the second GOP debate, set for Sept. 16.

CNN gets the first in a series of six Democratic debates. CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS and Univision get the others. NBC’s will likely be simulcast on MSNBC.

-Oct. 13: CNN, in Nevada


-Nov. 14: CBS/KCCI/Des Moines Register, in Des Moines

-Dec. 19: ABC/WMUR in Manchester, N.H.

-Jan. 17: NBC/Congressional Black Caucus Institute, in Charleston, S.C.

-February or March: Univision/Washington Post, Miami, Fla.

-February or March: PBS, Wisconsin
