Aftermath: Sharing A Motel Shower

By Brian 

On GretaWire, Greta Van Susteren describes living conditions in New Orleans:

“Even while in New Orleans, I am lucky. Unlike most, I have a place to sleep. I am on a bus on the highway — not the shoulder [of] the highway, but in the right lane. When police whiz by on the highway, the highway shakes — it is wild. I am not sure how we even got this parking space. Imagine parking on a highway!

The bus is great — it has rows of bunks and, when you are tired, you look for an empty one. I avoid the ones on top since I am so short that it is unclear how I would get into the top bunks. Lucky for me, I am short enough that the bunks provide ample room.

The only comfort we miss is a shower. I was told that FOX News has rented a room in a motel 25 miles from here and that we can all take turns taking showers. With contaminated water in New Orleans, there are few options. So, in a short period of time, I am going to the motel to take my turn. I am curious what people think when they see FOX employees going in and out of the motel room every fifteen minutes.”
