Aftermath: NYT Refuses To Correct Alessandra’s Claim About Geraldo’s Rescue

By Brian 

Have you been following Geraldo Rivera‘s dust-up with the New York Times? Alessandra Stanley accused Geraldo of staging a rescue in New Orleans, then he appeared on The O’Reilly Factor and said he may sue the newspaper. On Wednesday’s Special Report, Brit Hume brought viewers up to date:

“The New York Times has refused to correct, much less retract, a claim by a TV critic Alessandra Stanley that Fox’s own Geraldo Rivera forced himself into a New Orleans rescue for dramatic effect. Stanley reported that Geraldo quote, ‘nudged an Air Force rescue worker out of the way so his camera crew could tape him as he helped lift an older woman in a wheelchair to safety.’ This video in which Stanley bases the report shows the serviceman in question moving on his own to the front end of the wheelchair while Geraldo tried to help him lift the woman down the stairs. Still, a spokesman for the Times now says that ‘several editors here have reviewed the tape and we feel comfortable that Alessandra described this scene accurately.'”
