60 Minutes Releases 90-Second Clip From Trump Interview

By A.J. Katz 

CBS This Morning aired snippets of 60 Minutes’ interviews with the presidential candidates on Thursday, three days before each is set to air.

The interview with President Trump was conducted Tuesday by 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl in the White House.

President Trump cut short his interview with Stahl, walking out after 45 minutes and refusing to do the traditional “walk and talk” portion with the 60 Minutes correspondent. Trump apparently didn’t like where the conversation was going.


He then tweeted about the experience and attacked Stahl for not wearing a mask right after the interview had ended.


Here’s the clip of Stahl asking Trump what he thinks his biggest domestic priority is right now.

Seems like a rather innocent back and forth there.

Roughly an hour after CTM aired the snippet, Trump fired back on Twitter, this time instead of threatening to “post” an “unedited” version of the interview, he flatly said he “will soon be giving a first in television history” (meaning, presumably, releasing the full interview) during which he claimed he gave “full, flowing and ‘magnificently brilliant’ answers to their ‘Q’s’”.

CBS This Morning also showed a clip from Norah O’Donnell‘s 60 Minutes interview with Biden, the former vice president, which was conducted Monday at Biden’s home in Wilmington, Del. Biden has taken a few days off the campaign trail to prepare for Thursday’s second and final presidential debate.

The broadcast released the portion of the interview where Biden answers a question about so-called “court-packing,” a proposal to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court.
