The ‘Friday Night Lights’ dillemma

By Don Day 

Friday Night Lights likely wouldn’t have made it to a third season if DirecTV hadn’t stepped in and offered to share the show with NBC. It will debut on the satellite net this fall – then hit NBC after the new year. The Hartford Courant’s Roger Catlin points out a key flaw in the strategy: will anyone who really cares wait for NBC? The show’s creator is asking people to skip Internet downloads and wait for NBC if you don’t have DirecTV:

“If I were you, I would like to think that I would wait. I would be patient and wait and watch the real version when it was available to you.”

But actor Zach Gilford has perhaps a more realistic tip. “I’d say if you’re really such a big fan,” he says, “go ahead and download it, but then, just out of good conscience, turn it on on NBC later.”


