Tablets blow away desktops in video engagement

By Cory Bergman 

Here’s yet another study that shows that tablets are made for video. Ooyala found that tablets averaged nearly 30 percent more viewing time per play than desktops, and tablet users completed videos at double the desktop rate. And most surprising, “Viewer engagement was generally higher on mobile devices (excluding tablets) than on desktops – even for long form videos.” Here’s the chart:

And this chart (below) breaks it down by video length. “Viewers are turning to their tablets, mobile devices and especially their connected TV devices and game consoles to watch medium- and long-form videos,” explains the study. “Videos 10 minutes or longer accounted for 30 percent of the hours watched on mobile devices, 42 percent on tablets and nearly 75 percent on connected TV devices and game consoles. Notably, videos shorter than a minute were just 7 percent of the total hours watched on tablets and 2.2 percent for connected TV devices and game consoles.”


Ooyala found that the amount of time watched on connected TV devices and game consoles tripled last quarter, but still, tablets are king. Across devices, iPad accounted for 97.75% of video plays on tablets, and iPhone accounted for 56% of video plays, compared to 36.8% for Android. Surprisingly, in total video minutes, Android edges out iPhone, 49% to 44%.
