Prediction: 1 billion TV tweets will be sent this year

By Cory Bergman 

While many forms of printed media continue a downward trajectory, a new forecast says TV will continue to grow in dominance as the “super media” of choice. Deloitte projects TV advertising will continue to grow share, and TV viewing to increase yet again.

One of the drivers is “TV shows will be the most common conversation topic around the world,” Deloitte says, predicting that TV will be the subject of more than a billion tweets in 2011.

Interestingly, Deloitte predicts that essentially nobody will take the time to whip out a keyboard and search for shows on their TV sets — which doesn’t bode well for one of Google TV’s core features. Part of the reason is TV still is a “push” medium, and it’s still a nightmare to type letters on a TV remote. (It took me 5 minutes to type in my email address on my Samsung remote the other night.)


However, viewers will be much more conducive to acting on social and behavioral recommendations in next-generation program guides. In fact, I believe recommendations — when integrated seamlessly — will drive more TV viewing in the years to come, just like DVRs have done. And new interfaces like the Kinect and iPad apps that sync to TV will make viewers more comfortable interacting with their TV sets in the months and years to come.
