'No Reservations' airs episode sparked by Facebook fan

By Cory Bergman 

You may remember from our SXSW coverage, Anthony Bourdain explained that his No Reservations crew traveled to Finland after a Facebook campaign convinced him to visit. That episode airs tonight (Monday) on the Travel Channel, and Bourdain will be live-tweeting along.

It all started when one fan, Mika Tuomi, started a Facebook group urging Bourdain to come to Finland. Soon, there were hundreds of comments asking him to shoot an episode there — and a handful telling him to avoid the boring country. “Anthony, I love you, but please don’t come here. We really don’t have anything exciting to offer,” explained one resident.


Well, No Reservations listened to the vast majority, shooting a show in Finland for the “persistent Facebook Finns.” So what did Bourdain do there? “Sauna, have a drink, sauna, blood sausage, sauna, have a drink, sauna,” he explains. His tease for the episode? “Hide the kids! Blood feast!”

No Reservations is a Facebook powerhouse, with just short of 1.5 million likes. You can watch a video the crew put together about the Facebook campaign right here.
