Newsroom mourns untimely death of clock

By Cory Bergman 

Not just any clock, but the clock, the one that hovered over WLOX’s newsroom in Biloxi, Miss. for decades. So what’s a newsroom to do when the clock stops ticking? Write a story about it, of course.

“When Hurricane Katrina’s winds ripped off pieces of the WLOX Newsroom roof, and rain drenched the carpet, furnishings and equipment, the clock was there,” writes Renee Johnson in an obit of sorts on After the story was posted on Facebook, former employees from over the years started to leave their condolences.

“Yep, I remember that clock from when I worked there back in the late 80’s…..bummer,” writes Kerry in comments on WLOX’s Facebook wall. Adds a former sportcaster, “Many days it laughed at me as I tried to pull off a sportscast that had no business being on the air.” With all the words of support, WLOX is now trying to fix the old Seth Thomas ticker.


Which goes to show, many local TV folks still follow their old stations on social media.
