Lost Remote on BBC Radio 4: The Saddam cellphone video

By Steve Safran 

For those of you interested in the worldwide discussion of the cellphone-shot Saddam hanging video, I was part of a discussion on BBC Radio 4 today. I’ve rigged a pretty ugly podcasting page at podbean. Or you can download here. Which brings me to this question: do you guys know of a good, free podcasting service that allows me to embed the player in WordPress, and has the same ease of sharing as YouTube? I’ve looked all over. If it doesn’t exist, I say we start the company… UPDATE: There is a terrific conversation going on at the BBC show’s blog right now. Very intelligent and provocative. We need to do much more of this in the U.S. Check it out.

<img src="http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/new_homepage/images/banner_left.jpg"
