And so it begins: I get "Buzz"ed

By Steve Safran 

Because you can never participate in too many social networks… Google just hit me with Buzz, its social network that really sits on top of GMail in a fairly easy way. Setup was automatic and it immediately started me off by having me follow 30 people. Apart from the addresses, the choices seem to be random. So – do we have the Facebook/Twitter killer here? So far, no. But we do have the service with the best chance to join the fight fairly. Gmail already starts off with a ton of members, so it’s not building from scratch. Since you can link your Twitter, Flickr, Picasa and other social accounts to Buzz, it does make it something of a one-stop shop for checking in. And, of course, Google has done an excellent job with its mobile platform, so expect this just to be the beginning of some cool, hyperlocal social stuff.

Closeup of part of my Buzz opening screen
