Lost Remoters available as guest lecturers, speakers

By Steve Safran 

I video conferenced yesterday, via Skype, with a class of eager, smart young students at The Ohio Stte University. (Thanks to longtime LR Pal and now Professor Nick Geidner for the invite, too!) We held the 45 minute session via Skype and the poor students were subjected to my mug projected on a giant screen. The two-way interactivity was great and I hope the students enjoyed it as much as they can enjoy any class at 3 in the afternoon.

I wanted to use the occasion to invite any journalism professors to have one of the Lost Remote team members guest lecture your class. We’re available via the Web or in person, depending upon what you have in mind. We love talking about this stuff and our money is on the students right now to help build the next journalism model. We’ll even go international – we have experience talking with students in seven states and three countries. Plus, we’ll take up at least 45 minutes of time you won’t have to plan.

Of course, we also have a long history as guest speakers and lecturers at conferences and meetings. So feel free to ask. We’re lousy singers, but we’ll even join the karaoke.


Email us: tips@lostremote.com

UPDATED: Catch LR’s Mark Briggs today at 2 pm EST in a one-hour webinar with Poynter’s NewsU: Innovation on the Front Lines of Journalism. At 3 pm, he will continue the conversation with Poynter Online’s Ellyn Angelotti in a one-hour chat: Find Your Audience Where They’re Finding You.
