The Phantom Book Tour

By Carmen 

To mark the paperback release of his newest thriller, CREEPERS, David Morrell has concocted a rather unusual publicity campaign. Created by Morrell’s publicist and daughter, Sarie Morrell, “The CREEPERS Book Tour” literally sends the book on tour, beginning today (which has been dubbed “Horror Day” since it’s Friday the 13th and all.) Instead of the traditional method of sending the author on tour, as was done for the debut of the hardcover, actual paperback copies of CREEPERS will be sent out on a nationwide tour.

Volunteers nationwide will deposit 50 specially prepared paperback
copies of CREEPERS in busy places where people mingle and read, such
as coffee shops, donut shops, parks, train stations, and malls. The
front cover of each paperback tour copy of CREEPERS is clearly marked
as a tour copy, and the inside front page of the book describes the
campaign. Those who find the copies are asked to log on to
Horror World and go to the CREEPERS Book Tour Page to learn more about the tour and contests. After reading the book, participants are asked to leave the tour copy where someone else can find it and enjoy it. Each book’s adventures will be charted online.

In other words, it’s a book tour without the author, and it’ll be interesting to see if this pays off…