Tech Journalist Details His Job in Startup Hell

By Dianna Dilworth 

51oGIHrA43L._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_Business journalist Dan Lyons has a new book out exposing his year working for the tech startup HubSpot.

After a 25 year career as a journalist, Lyons decided to go and work for the marketing startup HubSpot after he had been fired from Newsweek. Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Start-Up Bubble from Hachette exposes the cliche ins and outs of life at the Boston-area tech firm. Fortune has an excerpt:

The offices bear a striking resemblance to the Montessori preschool that my kids attended: lots of bright basic colors, plenty of toys, and a nap room with a hammock and soothing palm tree murals on the wall. The office-as-playground trend was made famous by Google and has spread like an infection across the tech industry. Work can’t just be work; work has to be fun.