Selling Proofs Not the Best Idea for Publishing Employees

By Carmen 

The Telegraph’s Mark Sanderson reports on HarperCollins UK‘s woes with some of its employees getting Ebay-happy selling proof copies of various novels. The trouble started when it was noticed that proof copies of Conn and Hal Iggulden‘s bestselling DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYES were being offered at the astonishing price of £80.

The legal department, determined to put an end to this nice little earner, sent round a global email asking if any employees had a PayPal account (which enables money to be sent electronically) so that they could buy the copies and thus find out who the culprits were. The guilty parties failed to see the writing on the screen, did not withdraw their wares from eBay, and were duly caught. To which we say, some folks really do get the fate they deserve….