Reddit Book Club’s New Selection: Planetfall

By Dianna Dilworth 

24237785Planetfall by Emma Newman is Reddit’s book club selection for July.

The sci-fi novel is the story of a colony on a faraway planet. Readers can discuss the text at  /r/books. Here is more about how to use the discussion group:

If you post something that might be a spoiler please cover it! Format your text like this: [Spoilers about XYZ](#s “Spoiler content here”) <– this way spoilers are hidden unless clicked on. We will have discussion threads later that will allow spoilers but for right now I don’t want to ruin the book for anyone. As we create discussion threads I’ll add links to them to this post. Check back here for updates!

Reddit’s book club launched last year with a book every two months, but due to popular demand, the site is now reading a book a month.