Publishing a Clef

By Carmen 

The rule of thumb is that it’s not a trend unless there are three books with the same theme, but it doesn’t stop the LA Times’ Josh Getlin from profiling Debra Ginsberg and Bridie Clark, the respective authors of BLIND SUBMISSION (out now) and BECAUSE SHE CAN (out in February.) Ginsberg’s book, set in the world of literary agenting, seems to be based in part on her time working for noted West Coast uberagent Sandy Djikstra, while Clark’s book is all-too-known for its portrayal of a Judith Regan-like boss who makes assistants’ life a living hell.

“I think everyone is familiar with the phenomenon of the boss from hell, the over-the-top person who can ruin your professional and personal life,” said Clark, 29, who worked with Regan in New York for almost a year. “I’m sure this happens in many jobs, but you do hear a lot of stories about it occurring in the world of publishing.” Both, of course, are quick to deny any direct similarities with their former bosses. “There are a lot of Lucys out there,” Ginsberg said, referring to a character who steals credit for work they’ve done and cruelly invades their private lives. “I didn’t have to look too far. And I can’t stress enough that this isn’t a book about Sandy Dijkstra, any more than it’s about Judith Regan.”