“Best Ever” Holiday Season

By Neal 

The Associated Press picks up on an press release touting their holiday success, including more than 4 million orders on December 11 alone. Among the top books cited in this seasonal windfall: The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama and You: On a Diet by Mehmet C. Oz and Michael F. Roizen.

According to the AP, “ also said customers ordered enough Airborne cold-fighting supplements to supply every passenger on 192 Boeing 747 planes.” That sounds like a lot! Is it? Let’s be generous, and use the biggest number we can find, for the Japan Air Lines 747-100SR, which seats 563 passengers (even though most 747 jets typically seat closer to 450). 563 passengers on 192 planes equals 108,096 Airborne packages. That’s not bad, but I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call it nothing to sneeze at.