Paperback Cover Art Unveiled for ‘In the Unlikely Event’ by Judy Blume

By Maryann Yin 

In the Unlikely Event Paperback (GalleyCat)

The cover has been unveiled for the paperback edition of Judy Blume’s adult novel, In the Unlikely Event. We’ve embedded the full image for the jacket design above—what do you think?

Knopf, a Penguin Random House imprint, published the hardcover back in June 2015. According to Blume’s tumblr post, the paperback will be released on May 3.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Blume talked about her plans for future projects: “I’m done with long novels. This book (‘Unlikely Event’) took five years and I am 78, so it’s a good one to go out on. But I’m not saying I won’t do something smaller, shorter, that doesn’t take so long. I have a little idea, but I’m not ready to say anything.”