Narrative Magazine Coming Soon to An iPhone or iPad Near You

By Craig Morgan Teicher 


Looking for another way to avoid reading stuff in print, or do you need another literary app for your shiny new iPad? Narrative Magazine has the solution.

Narrative is a robust print and online literary journal that publishes first rate fiction, poetry, and nonfiction by the likes of Rick Bass, Amy Tan, and Dean Young. This Spring–they’re not specifying a release date, for obvious, app-store-queue-related reasons–Narrative is launching an iPhone/ iPad app that will download the contents of the magazine to your mobile device for on-the-go, but not necessarily Internet-connected, reading.

To celebrate, Narrative has come up with a new genre of story, the iStory. Here’s how the magazine describes it: “An iStory is a short, dramatic narrative, fiction or nonfiction, up to 150 words long. We are particularly interested in works that give readers a strong sense of having read a full and complete story in a brief space.” It’s kinda like a Tweet, but with words instead of characters.

They’re holding a contest: Narrative is seeking submissions of iStories and they’ll pay $250 for each one they accept between now and the app launch, whenever that is. Click here for guidelines, and here for some sample iStories.