Literary Blogs on Kindle

By Jason Boog 

51JTR13ZBkL._SL500_AA252_PIkin2,BottomRight,28,2_AA280_SH20_OU01_.jpgLast week, Inc. launched a blog syndication program, allowing any blogger to make their content available on Kindle. A number of literary blogs have already joined the program.

The Literary Saloon is compiling a list of book bloggers available on the Kindle. As GalleyCat reported, Amazon determines the pricing for each blog, and writers receive a 30 percent cut of the revenues.

Here’s more from the list, including a link to our Kindle feed. “Conversational Reading (blog); The Elegant Variation (blog); Galley Cat (blog); Jacket Copy (blog); the Literary Saloon; Maud Newton (blog); The Millions (blog); Paper Cuts (blog); [Three Percent] and Smart Bitches Trashy Books (blog). Several of these already have a sales rank, meaning that they have actual subscribers (some blogs, such as Maud Newton’s, have also been available on Kindle for a longer time), so there must be some sort of market for this.”