Fixing Dorne Productions Featured on Kickstarter

By Maryann Yin 

Do you feel unsatisfied with the way HBO portrayed the world of Dorne in the Game of Thrones series? A group of the show’s fans have established a new venture called Fixing Dorne Productions.

They hope to raise $20 million to shoot and distribute a “Dorne Replacement.” We’ve embedded a video about this project above.

Here’s more from the Kickstarter web page: “Our plan is to create a ‘patch’ for Game of Thrones season five’s Dorne storyline with our own fairly interesting and competently executed alternative plot. Once we finish with our promised delivery of season five, we will continue as far as the rest of our funding will take us into season six and beyond.”

Welcome to our Kickstarter Publishing Project of the Week, a feature exploring how authors and publishers are using the fundraising site to raise money for book projects. If you want to start your own project, check out How To Use Kickstarter to Fund Your Publishing Project.