Dispatch from BookExpo 2012

By Jason Boog 

wbush.jpegWhat kind of books will we read in 2012? In The Nation, author Will Heinrich imagines BookExpo 2012 in Los Angeles, a black comedy piece that doesn’t mention publishing’s current woes or digital books.

The article takes a positive look at the Barack Obama’s administration, simultaneously pondering the political memoirs that could emerge during the next political cycle.

Here’s Heinrich’s take on George W. Bush’s projected memoir: “achieves a kind of horrifying transcendence. Its publicity materials liken it to David Carr’s 2008 investigative memoir The Night of the Gun and Italo Svevo’s pre-postmodern novel Confessions of Zeno; these comparisons are both apt, but what it most resembles is Eichmann in Jerusalem–if Eichmann in Jerusalem had been written by Eichmann.” (Via Moby Lives)