Catnip Madness!

By Jason Boog 

Does your galley cat have a catnip problem? In the bombastic documentary style of anti-drug movies like Reefer Madness, Catnip: Egress To Oblivion? takes a sensational look at cats’ favorite herb.

The short film concludes with a cat pawing through a collection imaginary psychedelic books like “Catnip: The Ultimate Mind-Expanding Drug,” “The Catnip Experience,” or “Catnip Busters.” We’ve embedded the short film above, one of 12 free Sundance Film Festival films screening for free on YouTube.

Social Times has more about the Sundance shorts: “The 2013 Sundance Film Festival kicks off today, and for those of us that couldn’t make it to Park City, Utah to watch all the films live, YouTube is offering 12 of the 65 short films selected on the Screening Room YouTube channel.”