100,000 Readers Visited I Write Like in a Single Day

By Jason Boog 

I write like
Dan Brown

I Write Like by Memoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Yesterday we introduced you to the web-based “I Write Like“–a program that measures your prose against famous writers. According to the site, 100,000 people visited the literary game in one crazy day.

The site was created by Coding Robots and the journal-writing software Memoires. According to the site’s Twitter feed, the database is drawn from the Gutenberg Top 100 and Wikipedia’s list of bestselling books.

Today one of the creators blogged: “I Write Like has been visited by 100,000 people yesterday. New tweets mentioning IWL are appearing every five seconds or so. Facebook is on fire, and ‘I write like’ badges are appearing in blogs every minute. Margaret Atwood, who is in our database of famous writers, tweeted about it (apparently, she doesn’t write like herself…oops :). We’ll make sure to train the database with more of her works).”