FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Sets in Motion Reversal of Title II Net Neutrality

By Christine Zosche 

FCC chairman Ajit Pai is introducing a proposal intended to reverse the Obama-era reclassification of broadband as a utility under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. If adopted, it will sweep away the underpinning of the agency’s net neutrality rules adopted in 2015. (THR / THR, Esq.)

The change would establish the internet as a Title I information subject to what Pai calls “light-touch regulation.” The FCC made the change to Title II after court rulings held that this was needed to justify its authority to police open internet violations. (Deadline)

A vote is scheduled for May 18 to open a proceeding, in which members of the public will be able to weigh in with their comments. He also will seek comments on a move to remove an “internet conduct” standard that gives the agency an ability to monitor changes in internet service, and will pose questions on just what rules should govern broadband providers. (Variety)


Pai said high-speed internet service should no longer be treated like a public utility with strict rules, as it is now. The move would, in effect, largely leave the industry to police itself. But he is certain to face a contentious battle with the consumers and tech companies that rallied around the existing rules, which are meant to prevent broadband providers like AT&T and Comcast from giving special treatment to any streaming videos, news sites and other content. (NYT)
