We Hear: Rapp, Mercedes Still on the Outs

By Kiran Aditham 

A little while back, we speculated that Rapp lost the Mercedes direct account though the agency assured us that the biz was being “scaled back a bit.” Now, a tipster sent us this little nugget:

“Rapp is full of shit if they say they didnt lose mercedes, so far about 10 layoffs have come, we’ve had a company ‘pep rally’ where they have assured us that we’re ok, and presented their 10th new ‘vision’ this year (that normally consists of some new bullshit titles for our inept senior management, new department names, and a series of horrible jokes by our president Jim Lyons). Then we go to a bar, where the company spends what would have been a month’s salary for the poor AE they just let go.”


Maybe they’re still toasting to the Viagra win, but our effort to reach Rapp as well as the Mercedes marketing dept. has been futile. If anyone knows more, feel free to holler at agencyspy at mediabistro dot com.

More: “No Longer the Same Old Rapp
