Tuesday Odds and Ends

By Erik Oster 

-Production company Decon and directorial group JEAN created this spot for TV network Lifetime (video above).

-Publicis CEO Maurice Levy says the advertising industry will face “uncertainty” if Trump wins the election, LOL.

-New York agency Flint & Steel created an election-themed project called “Shake It Off,” as in share a digital handshake to show your friends that you are moving on.


-Election Day News Dump! Walgreen’s is suing struggling blood testing company Theranos for $140 million, alleging breach of contract.

-Marks & Spencer CEO Steve Rowe insists the brand isn’t in trouble. Pay no attention to the dozens of store closings.

-Paltry pay is leading young agency employees to take second jobs, and Digiday is on it.

-Greenlight of Dallas did the #MannequinChallenge. Just turn the volume down unless you really love “Paradise City.”

-The Marketing Arm hired Greg Neal as vice president, head of production, tasked with leading the agency’s video content studio.

-Patagonia closed its doors today to encourage voting. You did vote, didn’t you???
