Tuesday Morning Stir

By Erik Oster 

-R/GA collaborated with Operation Backpack and Google Express in a campaign aimed at ensuring that homeless children are prepared for the upcoming school year.

-NBCUniversal invested $200 million in Vox and Buzzfeed.

-Adweek examines “How Mobile Use Varies Across Generations.”


-We Are Social Singapore takes a look at “Digital, Social & Mobile in China in 2015.”

Livefyre unveiled sponsored comments for media outlets including Condé Nast, The Wall Street Journal, CNN and Fox News.

-Mirum launched an integrated PSA campaign for Eva’s Initiatives for Homeless Youth entitled “Fresh Start.”

-Debrief acting editor Rebecca Holman talks to the Drum about “How digital is shaping audience attitudes towards relationships.”

-Digiday explains “Why two-thirds of Stoli’s Instagram photos are bottleshots.”
