Tools of the Trade: John Wells of Rapp

By Kyle O'Brien 

Tools of the Trade is an AgencySpy feature to help highlight the many tools that help make advertising and marketing folks successful. The tools can be anything that helps people perform at their top form, from a favorite drafting table to the best software program to a lucky pen, a vintage typewriter or a pair of headphones.

Next up is John Wells, president, U.S. at Rapp.

John Wells’ little black notebook and Montblanc pencil.


What is one tool you use all the time at work, and how does it

The pen is mightier than the sword—in this case it’s a pencil and a little black notebook.

Why is it your favorite?

I have carried the same pencil for 30-plus years and fill 3 ½ x 5 ½ black, blank sheet (or grid) notebooks. If I need to remember something, I write it down. I take meeting notes, write down ideas, doodle, write down phone numbers, dates, you name it. I write quotes, poems, song lyrics, even bumper stickers; whatever I find has meaning or value. I have used it to make mazes and draw sunsets. I bring them to every meeting, use them on every call, and they travel with me wherever I go, whether that’s NYC, Dallas, San Francisco, Chicago, London or Pittsburgh.

How did you acquire your tool or hear about it for the first time?

The pencil is a Montblanc mechanical pencil, which I have broken and replaced many parts of. It was a gift that was given to me by my then girlfriend and now wife. I typically use pencil because I make mistakes that would otherwise be permanent in ink.

This pencil has been with me my entire career. I used it back in the day when we used typewriters and the internet didn’t exist, or at least it wasn’t being used at agencies yet.

How does it help you be successful?

The pencil and notebooks help me remember things. I can reconstruct meetings, days, weeks and months of information from my notes, quotes and drawings. Each book lasts me 6-8 months, and I keep the past three for reference.

Does it have sentimental value?

Yes, I wouldn’t live without this pencil and little notebook.

Do you think your tool could go TikTok viral? Why or why not?

Well, in this fast-paced digital world, and with the rise of artificial intelligence, moments of clarity to pause and actually capture things in the old analog fashion are more valuable than ever.

We want to know what tools you use to make you successful. If you’d like to contribute or know someone who would want to be featured in Tools of the Trade, contact and fill out our survey.
