Thursday Odds and Ends

By Kiran Aditham 

-PETA simultaneously protests chicken abuse and scares the shit out of kids by handing out “Unhappy Meals” at Mickey D’s in Albany, NY. What’s inside you ask? A “menacing, knife-wielding” Ronald McDonald cutout, a ketchup packet disguised as chicken blood, a plastic chicken covered in “blood” and a “McCruelty” t-shirt. link

-BBH London, HLA director Jamie Rafn and Begbie from Trainspotting toast the history of Johnnie Walker in a six-minute spot that was apparently filmed all in one take and had no edits. link


-CP+B alum Brian Born and ex-BBDO Atlanta GCD Chuck Meehan joined Doner as creative directors at the Newport Beach, CA office. link

-Digital agency iCrossing bumped Paul Doleman and Arjo Ghosh up to CEO and chairman, respectively, in the UK. link

-Glenfiddich is soliciting agency pitches for its 10 million pound global ad account. link

-Pepsi hopes to spawn Chinese rock stars with its new music label, QMusic. link

-Starbucks’ deceptive “unbranding” of one its Seattle stores last month hasn’t met favorably with consumers in a new Organic survey. link

-A study shows six in ten consumers still find use in newspaper ads. The party conducting the study? The Newspaper Association of America. link

More: “Wednesday Odds and Ends
