This Lighthearted Campaign for Flood and Earthquake Insurance Is Actually No Joke

By Mitch Reames 

Recent severe weather events in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., have many urbanites fearing for the future—and disaster preparedness is on the mind as a new campaign uses cheeky posters to ask if people’s insurance is ready for the next apocalypse-foreshadowing event.

“You always wanted an indoor pool” reads one as a group of ducks trails an inflatable flamingo in the living room. “Oh, you have a sunken living room” reads the other while the building cracks at the seams. Everything appears to be destroyed, except for a house of cards on the dresser in the middle. We mentioned they were cheeky right?


The vibrant colors and quick humor of the posters will help draw the eyes of passersby on their daily commute. The growing public fear over the effects of climate change on their personal lives will drive traffic to the website.

Designed by Agency59 in Toronto, the campaign directs people to, which provides research and tips for what to do in a disaster, before offering a way to connect with an insurance broker to make sure you are covered.

Once reaching the website, you are greeted with an intuitive scroll through the screen that doesn’t leave much time to get away. A couple of quick facts, the poster designs again, some links to disaster preparedness and then a portal to find a new broker. The website was clearly designed to work well for someone waiting for a bus or train and appears to function better on mobile than desktop.

The beauty in this campaign is its simplicity. A bit of humor, an important topic, providing a solution and all of it in a minute or two. For poster designs, this does exactly what it needs to do to make a crucial point.
