This Creative Director Got an Endorsement From Gilbert Gottfried (Sort Of)

By Erik Oster 

It can be hard to make your book stand out when looking for new work as a creative, but an, ahem, distinctive voice always helps.

Last month we reported on creative director Bowen Mendelson joining Atlanta-based independent agency 22squared to work on Toyota.

The role wasn’t a fit, however, and Mendelson has since moved on to look for his next creative endeavor while freelancing. To get people’s attention, Mendelson decided he had to do something “weird and different.” So he enlisted a little celebrity help, turning to comedian Gilbert Gottfried to pitch his creative services and direct viewers to a website with his portfolio. Gottfried spends a little over a minute riffing on how Mendelson is looking for his “next great gig” (as opposed to a bad or mediocre one) and that he doesn’t doubt that people like him, because he’s never met him.


Mendelson enlisted Gottfried’s services through a service called Cameo which connects customers to celebrity talent for brief personalized video shoutouts. It appears to have cost him about $150. He says the Gottfried video has received a lot of attention on LinkedIn.

Well, it got our attention at least.
