Texas Advertising Executive Wants You To Pray For Sarah Palin

By SuperSpy 

While statistics show that advertising has swung left in recent years, there are some who are firmly holding down the right.

Vicky Garza who owns the Garza Creative Group in Dallas, launched a website the same day Sarah Palin made her speech at the Republican National Convention. The site, PrayForSarahPalin.com, has the goal of getting one person from every zip code in the nation to pray for the woman whose mayoral record is bleak; is getting held to the fire for making women pay for rape kits; recently gave a disastrous interview with Katie Couric, and has stronghold Republican conservative, Kathleen Parker, calling for her to bail out of the race. Palin could actually use some well wishing especially since her debate with Joe Biden is in just a few days.

Get to it.


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