Taxi No Longer Requires Doug Jaeger’s Services

By Matt Van Hoven 

Outside TAXI you’ll find the street that Doug Jaeger walked out of after getting fired. That shit’s rough, regardless of whether or not you deserve it. To answer that question, you’d have had to be there.

But word on the street is Jaeger doesn’t play well with others. That sentiment isn’t new &#151 we heard it from some who spent time at the Happy Corp., too. He joined the agency on April 27th, 2009, or 278 days ago.


Jaeger is also the president of the Art Director’s Club. Since accepting that role in September, he has succeeded in redesigning the logo, reorganizing the internal structure and threatening to disqualify anyone who submits spec work to the ADC’s award show.

More:New ADC Directors Named; Doug Jaeger Is Prez
