Skittles Trailer Promises to Make Super Bowl XLIX ‘Awesomer’

By Patrick Coffee 

We’re still not quite sure what to expect from DDB’s forthcoming Skittles Super Bowl spot (the client’s first), and today’s teaser clip doesn’t tell us a whole lot.

For one, Kurt Warner retired five years ago and Marshawn Lynch has been working with Skittles/DDB since January. The release for this Olson Engage promo — which follows a November PR “prank” in which one NFL Live host and alleged Skittles fan dumped candy all over another — implies that the spot will be in keeping with 2014’s “tremendously successful relationship…with Marshawn Lynch and the Seattle Seahawks.”

It will almost certainly not resemble BBDO Toronto’s surreal mockumentary, feature Lynch working out with candy, or involve Skittle-spewing clouds trailed by Michael Cera lookalikes.


If anything, the trailer leads us to anticipate something a little more traditional rather than “expect[ing] the unexpected.
