Philly Agency Gets All Mad Menish

By Matt Van Hoven 

We would like to make note of the Philadelphia-based agency, Red Tettemer, whose addies you see in the photo above. In an old-school-meets-throwback-meets-the-60s-are-the-new-black move, the shop has made-over their Web site in homage of years gone by. Uber swanky, I say.

Apparently, they change the homepage around every few months. Talk about staying fresh/schizophrenic (No harm intended for any schizophrenics reading this post). Their current iteration was my fav.


Hey RT, isn’t smoking indoors illegal in Philly? Nevertheless, check out some of the other homepages they’ve done here(click lobby) .

And addies, don’t forget that season 2 of Mad Men premieres sometime in the near future. This isn’t TV Guide, find out the time somewhere else. It is on AMC, though.

Update: We asked shop reps a few questions about the homepage homage. Check them out, and the answers, after the jump.

1. Who is in the pic? Creatives, Account, Production, a hodgepodge? A mix of creatives, acct management, prod, finance — we selected the people who best looked the part.
2. Clients I can mention as a “This is who RT works for, in case you didn’t know.”? PBS Kids Sprout, Kajeet, PA State Tourism, ADVANTA, Hatfield Quality Meats and more.
3. How’d you make it happen in terms of getting “the look” down? Vintage clothes, hair teasing for the girls, hair gel for the boys, scotch and cigarettes all around.
4. Next homepage? Keep an eye out something about tattoos, tots and charity.
