Monday Stir

By Kyle O'Brien 

-Baby brand Carter’s, along with new agency partner Venables Bell & Partners, has just launched a new brand campaign to remind parents and caregivers of their strength and resilience. The brand’s “Made for This” campaign celebrates how parents rise to all of the challenges, fears and doubts that inevitably surface in the earliest days with a newborn.

The first spot in the campaign, “Voicemail from Mom,” highlights bath time, as a new mom conquers her nerves as she embarks on the sacred bathing ritual while a touching voicemail from her own mother plays over the scene. Carter’s and VB+P teamed up with production company Stink and director Eliot Rausch.


-S4 Capital intends to expand its services into technology as it announced a six-month increase in gross profit of 49% while experiencing an acceleration in growth for the second quarter.

-Adweek took a look at the Trevor Project and how it saves thousands of lives of LGBTQ+ youth every year.

Graham Alexander, who runs global communications and PR for Teads, wrote about the five steps men can take to stamp out workplace harassment.

-The fourth annual Brandweek experience is Sept. 20-24, and Adweek is getting ready by talking with marketing pros about how they do what they do, and how you can build on that knowledge.

-Playstation’s new ad, created by adam&eveDDB, takes place in a futuristic metropolis where chess figures come to life and play out their maneuvers on a massive scale.

-Adweek uncovered how advertising can more accurately depict those with disabilities.

-Ogilvy UK’s new CEO, Fiona Gordon, shared her plan to make the London studio a ”beacon” of creativity with The Drum.
