Monday Odds and Ends

By Erik Oster 

-Björn Borg launched this 90-second spot featuring DJ Mimi Xu and her daughter Maily Beyrens to promote its new retro-style sport couture offering (video above). 

-Former Campaign deputy editor Jeremy Lee weighs in on “Publicis London winning Morrisons and why personal relationships can still be an agency’s best pitching asset.”

NBC Sports’ ad sales chief Seth Winter told Adweek the network is ahead of where it was at this time four years ago



-Digiday explores how “Shake Shack leaned on social data to take its chicken sandwich national.”

-According to Kantar Media, Star Wars: The Force Awakens made $25.40 for every $1 spent on advertising last year in the U.S.

-Campaign tours Starcom Mediavest Group’s new Farringdon office.

-Digiday examines viral publishers’ shift to video on Facebook.
