IPG Urges Employees to Help Client, GM

By Matt Van Hoven 

In a letter titled, “Urgent Message from GM”, Betsy Lazar, executive director advertising and media operations at GM asked IPG leadership for a little favor; help in persuading the federal government to pass a bailout plan.


To do so, GM asked IPG to direct employees to gmfactsandfiction dot com, where they can “show (their) support and let (their) voice(s) be heard.”

“We hope you will ask your legislators and other political leaders to support the U.S. auto industry…” Lazar continued.

Lazar included a copy of a study completed by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR), which presents a doomsday prediction for anyone whose bread comes from some auto-related industry. The research might be more compelling if it wasn’t being used as a scare tactic &#151 so rather than regurgitate the findings, we’ve uploaded the document that lays it all out, after the jump. Take a look, after the jump.

You can also see the e-mail that IPG then sent to employees, after the jump.

More: “Mullen Gets Some GM Love

“As all of you know, GM is a long-time client of IPG. Currently, the U.S. government is discussing new legislation that would strengthen the domestic automobile industry. This is an important issue for our country and our company. GM has asked that we weigh in with our representatives in Congress.

Attached you will find an email from our client at GM, thanking IPG for our support, and asking us for our help. We’ve also included a study by the Center for Automotive Research, looking at the effect of a contraction at GM on jobs in the US.

We hope you will consider sharing this information with your employees so that they can make themselves heard on this important issue should they choose to. Thank you very much.”

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