Breaking: Instinct Times Square BillBoard Finally Complete

By Matt Van Hoven 

Remember how we kept noticing that the Sprint Instinct billboard in Times Square was taking forever to be completed? Oh, well allow us to refresh your memory here and here.

Well, we hadn’t walked to TS in a few days, so we can’t be exactly sure when this thing was finished up. But as you’ll see in the above video, it’s complete. And wow, let’s just say, it met our expectations (of being another pointless waste of electricity, plastics, and building space).


In the video that plays on the over-sized Instinct, the Sprint device is compared to the iPhone to see which has the strongest 3G network and which battery comes out easiest (among other things &#151 we didn’t stick around to watch the whole thing). At least now we can stop talking about it.

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