Hey Power 150? What’s The Deal?

By SuperSpy 

Update: The Power 150 is now ranking the right link and all is well in the world. Thanks to Mr. Moran.

So, it seems the Power 150, AdAge’s attempt to, y’know, get with the blogging times, is no longer updated. We were psyched about the 150 when it came out. Yet, like all corporations dabbling in social media tools, it seems they’ve forgotten all about their little chart.


Tribble (whose rant about the 150 is here) pointed out that blogs that no longer exist are still at the same ranking on this list and engages in some tricky math. Plus, our own blog is not being tracked. We switched from WordPress to the Mediabistro site six months ago. Hello? Anyone there at the 150?

The tag line for the 150 should be – “Todd Andrlik ranks the top media and marketing blogs… sometimes.”

More: The Agency Spy Party Cometh
