Guidance Counselor Agency Spy: This Is Your Life.

By SuperSpy 

There’s something poignant about the YouTube spot we got sent this morning. We’ve heard the pseudo-poetry featured in the video spilling out of many a slightly drunk mouth before. The narrative flows down the litany of advertising employee complaints from the opening line of, “I am creative” all the way to “I can’t believe that won gold.”

This is the creative malaise. Look, this happens to folks in every creative industry, not just advertising. Our suggestion? If this video really hits home with you, take a day off. In the morning, get up at 8am and go for a walk. Sit a diner. Look around you. Eat a hearty breakfast and maybe read some fiction. Come home. Turn off your phone. Do not check your email. Sit still. Shut your eyes and ask yourself the following questions:

1. If I could do one creative thing other than making ads what would it be?



2. Can I manage to work work at my agency and do this creative thing?

If the answer is yes, then proceed to question 3. If the answer is no, skip to question 4.


3. Why haven’t I done it then?

If the answer is you are scared, welcome to the real world of being creative. Everyone is scared. Shitless. Suck it up and go on the you hero journey. This will help.

If it’s that you need to take a class or find out more information, get online. Talk to friends. Make moves.

If it’s that you are too tired when you get home from work, then skip to question 4 or take some ginseng and just be tired. Plenty of people have worked two jobs to make their dreams come true.

If it’s that you will miss the money of working in advertising proceed to question 4.

If it’s that you have children who are dependent on you, well… that’s trickier and needs to be navigated inconjunction with your spouse. We have no advice. Sorry.


4. Am I prepared to lose the security of my day job, borrow money from parents, take out a loan or get a night gig as a bartender in order to fulfill my creative dream?

If the answer is no – shut the hell up and go to work tomorrow and stop answering these questions.

If the answer is yes, then congratulations. You are ready to head down the path many creative minds have already traveled. Ever hear that saying that nothing good comes with a struggle? It no applies to you. You may succeed, you may fail, but at least you tried. You won’t be that sad sack of shit crying into your smashed peas at 70 wondering what the hell went wrong. Why you didn’t go for it. Why you just didn’t tighten up the ol’ jockstrap or wonderbra and make a run for the gold. Trust. You do not want to be that person. Just think about that reality. Seriously.

DISCLAIMER: Obviously, we’ve simplified the dilemma of grabbing the dream. We did not address those folks who are in advertising, but should really be in like, fashion or something. That’s a different set of questions, but our advice to you is – get a new job in the industry you want and be prepared to take a pay cut.

No everyone go get busy. Life is not that bad. You could be a guy with trees for hands! We don’t want to see any more of these videos showing up on YouTube.

We have faith in all of you. Make it happen people. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
