Friday Stir

By Doug Zanger 

-Quick, what’s the #1 plant protein shake in America?! Yeah, we didn’t know, either. Apparently, it’s OWYN, which stands for Only What You Need. Anyhoo, they have some new ads with a couple of fun facts: 1) a ConEd power worker stars in the ads, and 2) the whole thing was shot in the corner of a Brooklyn gym. The campaign (which you can see in full here) comes from the agency BigEyedWish.

-Make sure that your UI doesn’t cost you $893 million, folks.

-Why are brands putting celebrities in the C-suite? Adweek mothership alum Diana Pearl explains.


Amazon snaps up Uber marketer Omar Gurnah.

-Last year, we spoke to artist Chantelle Martin. Today, Design Milk featured her in its Friday Five.

Campaign US rolls out its Agency of the Year winners. Goodby Silverstein & Partners walked away as a big winner.

-Why the office is not dead yet.
