Energy BBDO Reminds Us that $12 Million is Worth Betting On (except it isn’t)

By Matt Van Hoven 

Well, it’s still not really worthwhile. Energy BBDO has the Illinois Lottery and they just sent over this new ad, Cashalanche, which is part of a new campaign reminding people that they shouldn’t just wait until the lotto reaches $100 million to play.

“Most people don’t play the lottery for less than $100 million. They think it’s a waste. That somehow, lesser sums like $12 million, or even $27 million, aren’t worth the price of a ticket.


That’s because they’ve never seen $12 million dollars before.”

Nor will they, odds are.

Though it’s no mystery that your chances of winning the lottery are near the “never going to happen” end of the spectrum, what few know is that the larger the take, the worse the odds get. Why? More people are playing! And that’s presumably where Energy is coming from.

But the bottom line is that the lottery, as a product, is complete bullshit; and Americans buy it every day. It’s one of those kinds of clients that James Othmer talks about in his book Adland; one that makes you consider your personal ethics and your paycheck all at once. Like cigarette companies or political candidates.

More: “Energy BBDO Picks up Noel Haan
